I hope you’re having a wonderful autumn, including time in a forest, whether an urban or a more remote one. I have been traveling a lot during the past month, for Treesource and personal enjoyment. One was a nephew’s wedding in Connecticut, held outside on an old farm/forestead. It was a beautiful setting; the leaves were just starting to turn, giving a hint of fall colors to come.
I also attended the North American Forest Partnership meeting in Atlanta and had the opportunity to connect with some of the 115 different organizations that are partners, including The Nature Conservancy, Choose Outdoors, U.S. Forest Service, Rayonier, Eastman Chemical and Enviva, along with many others. Some I am working with to plan stories for 2019 and others provided ideas for future stories.
I also attended the Society of American Foresters annual convention in Portland, Oregon. I met a number of interesting people and companies that generated more ideas for potential stories that center around the triple bottom line of balancing the environmental, economic and social needs of society. There were hundreds of presentations, many more than I could cover, including urban forest management; wildfire and fuels management; the effects on wildlife habitat from the retention of dead, live and down trees; and a variety of wood products. It was a very stimulating time with many topics Treesource hopes to incorporate into stories in the future. [Read more…]