Diverse stakeholders are working together to make central Oregon’s forests more fire-resilient, a success feted in a video released recently by state and federal foresters.
“The forests in central Oregon are adapted to fire,” said Pete Caliguiri, a fire ecologist with The Nature Conservancy. “With 450,000 acres of forest in need of restoration, it is important that we learn how to scale up our efforts. Sound science should continue to guide us.”
For decades, finding common ground on forest management has placed competing interests at loggerheads. But the central Oregon collaboration is seeking science-guided solutions that strive for balance, landscape-scale projects and local economic benefits.
“Decades of disagreement by various factions have left us with a forest that is out of whack from its original state,” said David Stowe, an executive committee member of the Sierra Club – Oregon Chapter’s Juniper Group.
The new 6-minute video showcases the work.